The Austrian Circle (coloured copperplate engraving: Homann, Nuremberg 1788)
The key research area is an interdisciplinary platform for the examination of the Central European area – its constitution, formation and transformation through political, socio-economic and cultural structures and processes. The term "Austria" is subject to historical change and is ambiguous in both its denotation and connotations. This ambiguity should be used productively for the projects and activities. In this way, we contribute to the research and further development of social and political forms of memory, which is an important prerequisite for a differentiated perception of the present, especially in times of far-reaching transformations.
The activities of the key research area concentrate on research into interregional and international interdependencies in the areas of economy, society, politics and knowledge, on discussions of urban development, the history of knowledge and science, the history of violence and military history, as well as the institutional and cultural history of the state, administration and finance.
The key research area also sees itself as an interface where the Austrian references in teaching and public relations are linked across the epochs. The relevant instruments range from the coordination of courses to cooperation with media representatives to communicate research results via print media and broadcasting to the use of social media.
Currently, scholars from nine departments are participating in the various activities of the key research area. There is close cooperation with the key research areas Historical and Cultural European Studies, Community, Conflict and Integration, Economics and Society and Text and Scholarly Editing.